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101 ways to fight bordeom!
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Hi! I have tried a few of these, but others you're just going to have to experiment with. If you're bored, try them out! J


101 ways not to be bored!

1)       Make fun of lunch! Use food coloring on anything. Go for the Dr. Seuss way! GREEN EGGS AND HAM!!!

2)       In the summer, if it's one of those hot, lazy days... two words: Water Fight. There has to be someone- a neighbor, parent, or pet you can soak. Siblings work perfectly for this one.

3)       If it's an extra hot day, and you are really bored and uninspired, fry an egg on the sidewalk.

4)       TP (toilet paper) multiple objects, label them "art", and take a lot of pictures. Develop the film, put a portfolio together, and send it to an art school in France or Italy. It will take the whole day, and enrage somebody who is a fine art patron. Who knows? Maybe you'll become famous!

5)       Give your pet a bath with green food coloring!!! I'm going to attempt this soon.

6)       Walk up to people asking questions such as: pardon me, do you have any grey poupon? I've done that one with Anna. Someone actually had some at home. It was fun.

7)       Go flirt with someone at their work and get kicked out. Yes, I have done it. One of mine and Anna's finer memories together. Not particularly recommended for guys, you might be called a stalker... it's happened.

8)       Go into gift shops, and ask if they have certain items in pink. I've done that, and yes, it will cure boredom. the look on that guys' face... haha.

9)       Be stealthy! Claim that a car is yours, and run away screaming when the owner comes, saying that "he's the thief!!!" No comment.

10)   Put a picture album together. If that isn't enough, cut heads out of certain pictures and put them on other bodies. I haven't done that one.

11)   Hold a chili-eating contest with yourself. It's a party.

12)   Jimm recommends: reading like 10 books, playing video games, or moving to Whitehorse. *God bless Canada!!!!!! Land that I love!!!!* :-D

13)   David says to: play hockey or hang out with friends. What? :P

14)   Ellen says to: stare into space, sing a national anthem or wedding song to yourself quietly, doodle, and daydream about Orlando Bloom. *Sigh*

15)   Write poems! Thats the best thing to get out emotional stress without a lot of mess. Im a poet and didn't know it!!! Hehe! :)

16)   Madeline said to DRAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you're bored.

 Sue says to: stare at the wall and start a 
conversation with it,talk to yourself, 
listen to some good music, goof off, walk 
into a wall (I've done that!!!!!!), make 
food, talk on the internet, take some 
pictures, surf the web, hit random passing 
cars with a snowball, read a book, sleep, 
work out, clean, watch TV, make fun of 
music that you don't like, ponder the 
meaning of different words like "twaddle", 
make websites, write in diary, work on 
stuff you've put off, think about coffee 
and good stuff that you're too lazy to go 
buy, look at different movie times and 
call people and see if they wanna go, watch
commercials for movies (like the guru... 
lol "he's a cartoon!"), watch clone high,
 or the Osbournes or south park (not 
particularly recommended by Grace), scream
into a pillow, ponder the meaning of life,
Tell people how much you like punctuation 
because it gives you a guideline in life, 
make fun of Kenny Chesney just because it 
makes mariclaire mad dance, talk to stuffed
animals, talk to people that you haven't 
talked to in a while, and Sleep. Whew!

17)  Justin says to: read a book, go outside and fix something (like a lawnmower or motorcycle engine), sit around and be bored, tear a piece of paper into little pieces, bend paper clips, chew on pen lids, play on computer games, etc.

18)   Chew on pen lids!!!!! Hahaha I made one like spongy the other day from chewing on it! : P

19)   Be British! Or Aussie! Just stay away from old, fat, nasty, slightly inebriated men. Another escapade with Anna. We ran into the thing mentioned above, and also had an interesting conversation with some other drunken man from a hotel window. If you're really bored... only do that once. He kept on asking what we were doing in the street...

20)     Stalk a cute chef. It works, as long as you dont mind making an idiot out of yourself! I don't recommend doing this more than once.

21)   Gloria says: CRAFTS ding ding. My lil sis is obsessed with crafts.

22)   Throw a party! Tell everyone to dress up as chickens or something, and eat scrambled eggs.

23)   Wear a red tie. Anna and I did that. It was fun.

24)   Wear a clown hat. I did that.

25)   Wear a stuffed animal monkey around your neck, and put gloves on it. Anna did that. J

26)   Go door to door, asking people to never again eat cows or turkeys. They're beautiful!!!! They dont deserve to die!!!!!!!! Tell them they carry Ebola or something.

27)   Volunteer at a pet shelter. It can't be much worse than babysitting!

28)   Ride an elevator all day! Anytime someone gets on, draw a little square with chalk, stand in it, and yell: THIS IS MY PERSONAL SPACE! Sue told me that one. J

29)   Write Bible verses or cute little sayings or goofy stuff on little pieces of paper and put them in the coin return things of vending machines, phone booths, and other stuff.

30)   Put smiley face stickers on stop signs! And doorknobs, and other peoples' purses, and on your glasses right where your eyes are.

31)    Buy a ton of flowers, or pick a ton of flowers, and give them to random sad looking people, or just random people.

32)   Tell everyone that Jesus loves them! He does! :-D

33)   Go around your town singing: PUT A SMILE ON YOUR FACE!!!!

34)   Go around your town singing regardless of your singing skills. If I can do it, you can. ;)

35)   If it's snowy, make snow objects! Make a snow oven and frying pan set!

36)   Ask every person you come into contact with if their middle name is Frederick. I think I did that- it was all a blur though.

37)   FOOD FIGHT!!!!! It doesn't necessarily have to be spontaneous, advertise it for a week, and ask someone to bring their own (edible) object to chuck.

38)   Tell people that they are beautiful! This can be done even if you aren't bored.

39)   Play softball in the rain!!!!!!!!

40)   Play basketball!!!!!!!!!!! In any weather!!!!!!!!!! :D

41)   Buy a food you've never heard of or attempted to try. Eat it all. J

42)   Hand out decorated paper cups.

43)   Walk down a main street carrying a sign that says: Drink Water.

44)   Learn to play the piano.

45)   Learn to play the guitar.

46)   Memorize a Bible verse like the one that says a foolish man is easily annoyed, but a prudent man overlooks an insult. When your family or friends are being stupid or telling you to be quiet constantly, tell them that one. Just make sure you aren't easily annoyed.

47)   Make a sandwich while blindfolded. Make wild guesses at what you're putting on it. Take a bite. Try not to hurl.

48)   Make soup out of everything.

49)   Make candy salad. Its peachy, just find anything with high sugar content and put it all together. Great for Halloween.

50)   Rearrange your room! It is so much fun!!! Everyone needs variety. It's great to walk into your room, and forget where you had your dresser, and your TV's there now... yeah; I'm bored a LOT.

51)   Do dishes for a week, get paid for doing it, and buy a new CD.

52)   Ask everyone when their birthday is, and get them all cards whether it's their birthday or not.

53)   Tell everyone happy Hanukkah.

54)   Paint something.

55)   Listen to classical music! Its beautiful, and relaxing. 80's Rock counts.

56)   Speaking of relaxing, BUBBLE BATH!!!!!!!!!!!!! J

57)   Make a home movie, or make a movie with your friends. If no friends live in your town (or are available) star in all the roles, and have the camera in one spot.

58)   Reenact WWFE with your siblings. Dont mess with Bonnie, my 8-year-old sister. She'll kill ya.

59)   Get a tie-dye kit, and tie-dye.

60)   Do calligraphy. It's wild.

61)   Go crazy. You may want a straight jacket.

62)   Make jewelry! There's cool guy jewelry too! Macramé necklaces or bracelets are lovely. J

63)   Most people may not want to do this one, but sewing is really cool. You don't even have to know what you're doing! Decorate pants! Experiment! It's good stuff.

64)   Search for music on the Internet!

65)   Lock yourself in a bathroom with your CD player, and sing really really loud. Do it when your mom isn't home. You guessed right! Grace has done this. It was in a hotel room in Reno. I was bored! I sang: *She's going off the deep end!!!* It's a Newsboys song lol!

66)   Hold a live concert- in the shower. The audience? Your shampoo.

67)  Watch old home movies.

68)  Send an email to everyone on your list, and hope you get a response. If you aren't certain that you're loved, this could be bad. It's depressing to wait two weeks for a reply to a friendly hello! How are you? I miss you! Email me. Anyway...

69)   Make your own language.

70)   Learn French (not pardon my French French though).

71)   Write a book.

72)   Watch old movies! You would be surprised how cool a lot of those old army movies are.

73)   Get a cookbook, open it, and make the first thing you see.

74)   Type in any word on a google search, and see what comes up.

75)   Eat spam.

76)   Roast marshmallows over a candle with a hangar. That is fun. Don't let stuff catch on fire.

77)   Tell me what you think people make hot dogs out of. Have you ever noticed how the packages refrain from using the word Meat? Entrails anyone?

78)   Record a ton of commercials, so you can take a trip down memory lane 20 years later. I saw commercials from when I was little, and couldn't believe how bad the styles were! Can you say POOF??? It was great.

79)   Eat pudding using a carrot as a spoon. I recently did that. Way to live on the wild side, Grace.

80)   Go walking. Enter places you have never been, just to be able to say that you have been there.

81)   Knock on a door, and ask if you can see what their house looks like.

82)   Eat tuna.

83)   Get French fries from McDonalds, and wrap one in paper, then squeeze it really hard. Chances are that the oil will come out, and you might have a grain of potato left over. You gotta love those fries!

84)   Tell everyone about the little green men dancing on their head.

85)   Talk to the little green men.

86)   Copy whatever the commercials do! Not like drinking beer or anything... like taking a straw, sticking it in an orange, and getting fresh orange juice. (Tropicana).

87)   Make your own commercial.

88)   Tell all the little kids how cool it is to play with kitty litter and a blender.

89)   Construct a body cast, and put someone in it.

90)   Look for new words in the dictionary, so you can call someone a dolt, and they won't know what it means. What does it mean????

91)   See how many French fries can fit in your mouth.

92)   Play Chubby Bunny with French fries.

93)   Make your own French fries!

94)   Give them to Grace.

95)   Go to a junkyard, take old car parts, and build a robot.

96)   Make a music video! Play music in the background, and lip it.

97)   Dye your hair pink.

98)   Dress like a hippie... maybe with the tie-dye!

99)   Kiss a frog and tell me if it works.

100) Build a website (  is a good one)

       101) Think of 101 ways not to be bored, and send them to me!
PS: those flirting and stalking things are in my past... just thought I would recommend them if you're EXTREMELY desperate for a little excitement. :-O

My "sponged" pen.
Advice: do not ever say "bite me" to Grace. :E

I hope that I haven't bored you! :-P