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The following stuff are the coolest things in the world, to my knowledge. I recommend them highly. :)

People to talk to: (in a slightly random order)


Justin!!!!!! :-D

Kayli!!! :) 

Jimm! :)

Eric!!!!!!! ;)

Sue!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D 

My cat!! :P

My family!!!! :D:D


Websites:  (anna's site)  (not like you should believe everything the quizzes say, but they're fun. :) pictures, posters all kinds of pretty stuff or movie posters. J Jewelry dcTalk store, bio, etc a cool singer cute cartoony girl clothes and stuff Christian girl theme clothes online games AWESOME Christian rock group!!! (if it's the right address) another sweet Christian rock group Strange Occurrence- yet another great Christian rock band a better rock station then Christian rock radio



The Little Mermaid, Tuck Everlasting,  Braveheart, My Dog Skip, Simon Birch, Gone With the wind, Rocky movies (especially the first one), Pride and Prejudice, The Patriot, Lord of the Rings, Veggietales, most movies from Pixar (Monsters INC, Toy stories, Ice age, etc).


Movies NEVER to watch:

A movie Called Seven with Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt. It was scary, disgusting, and sickening (literally). Its about a guy who commits seven murders taken from Dantes book Inferno. It was so bad! Don't ever watch it for the sake of all that is good, pure, and holy!!!!!!!!


Food: Pumpkin pie, Watermelon, and Smoked fish. Do not die without trying one of these.


Foods NEVER to eat:

Garbonzo Beans. If you value your life, don't go near them!


Music groups/singers/ other music:

12 stones, Wierd Al, dcTalk, Common Heroes, Strange Occurrence, Plumb, Jennifer Knapp, Furthermore, Delirious, Jars of Clay, Kutless, Pax 217, POD, Audio Adrenaline, Third Day, Toby Mac, Jeni Varnadeau, 38th Parallel, Tim Hughes, Relient K, Pillar, Newsboys, TobyMac, Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Pachabel.


Recommended music to avoid:

Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, Nsync, Disco, Country, other countless stupid music that I won't bother to name. Please, do yourself a favor- save your ears and your sanity.


Books: The Bible, Lord of the Rings, Mossflower book series (Brian Jaques) DO NOT LEAVE THIS LIFE WITHOUT READING THEM!!!!!!!!! J


Places to visit: Arizona, Alaska but don't stay for more than two days- it gets boring quickly, this one place in the Bahamas, it's like a resort modeled after Atlantis... please go there, and then tell me about it.


Recommended places NOT to visit:

Oregon Zoo! Sure, they have a lot of animals there, but they're crowded, depressed, and suicidal!!!!!!! :(

Las Vegas and Reno!!! Don't go. They're pretty from about 100 miles away in the dark, but are un-fun and scary up close.


Recommended products for use:

ANY Bobbi Brown makeup

Anything that is at  


Do not EVER use:

Clearsil. It SUCKS! It will give you little bumps and clog pores. That's if you have oily skin... some people say it works.


Email me with any other personal experiences that would allow you to recommend or un-recommend something. This is accessible at the Contact Me page. :-D