Thoughts of the day 07-08-03: I fell in love recently. It sucks. But it's awesome too. Now that I've gone about my life for the past two days feeling sorry for myself that the guy's gone... that and I doubt he liked me as much as I liked him... I have realized the following things:
1) It's time to grow up.
2) Respectful/gentlemanlike guys are awesome.
Thoughts of the day 04-25-03: Immature people rock. As long as you aren't clueless lol... :)
Thoughts of the day 04-24-03: Are your hands rugged from helping people up, or constantly punching them down? What comes around goes around, doncha know.
Thoughts of the day 04-23-03: It doesn't matter what anyone thinks of you. All that matters is what the truth is. God's opinion is the only one that really matters.
Thoughts of the day 04-21-03: What's the point in having fame or success? How are you prophited if you gain the entire world, but end up losing your soul in the end?
Thoughts of the day 04-20-03: okie, I decided that I am having issues thinking ecery day *wink*, and since only one person I know of reads these... I won't add every little unsmart tidbit that enters my brainwave. Now since that little drama is overwith, here is my "thought" of the day: recently, I was reading in Proverbs, and learned that those who do bad stuff unknowingly wait for it to happen to them. Watch the way you treat people... becuase you could be in their shoes.
Thoughts of the day 04-14-03: We're here for a reason! Yay us! Don't ever let anyone convince you that you're worthless. Take a look at Jeremaih 29:11-13. :)
Thoughts of the day 04-13-03: Don't give up!!!!!!!!! God believes in you! Ask Him for help! He's always there.
Thoughts of the day 04-12-03: Don't let anyone shut you up! Don't bend because someone doesn't like your opinion. Always express yourself! Don't hold it in- you'll end up mad at everything, or you'll write funky poems like me lol. :)
Thoughts of the day 04-11-03: Are you doing what's best for your life? Are you following God's plan or your plan? Trust in God, His is better. If you don't care one way or the other, send me your name... I'd like to pray for you.
Thoughts of the day 04-10-03: Did you know that suffering is a good thing? I'm not joking!! It says in the Bible somewhere... like James or Romans that we should rejoice in our sufferings, becuase sufferings produce perseverance, perseverance produces character, and character produces hope. :) yay!
Thoughts of the day 04-09-03: I read today in Matthew to pray for those who spitefully use you and forgive them and bless them. Wouldn't it be great if everyone did that- just forgave? I read in Luke also, and right before Jesus died, He said: "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." I wanna be like Him!!! How cool was that?!?
Thoughts of the day 04-08-03: Nothing is impossible unless you accept it as impossibility.
Thoughts of the day 04-07-03: Never take anything for granted- because you never know when you may lose it, or when it may lose you.
Thoughts of the day 04-06-03: We are not God. God is very real, and very near. He is above us, and loves us. If we trust in Him, He will do great things through us according to His plan, which, by the way, is better then what ours is. If you're following Him, then there is no need to worry about anything. Everything happens for a reason, and whatever happens is for the best.
Thoughts of the day 04-05-03: Life isn't fair. What a concept! It isn't fair, not one bit. It isn't fair that such things as inequality and prejudice exist. It isn't fair how innocent people are condemned to death every day because of someone else's guilt. It isn't fair how people take life for granted, thinking nothing of taking their own lives and someone else's. It isnt fair that true love hardly holds any value in our world today. I know something that is fair though- nothing is perfect. It's fair because if someone or something was perfect, chances are the rest of us would do anything in our power to demean or destroy it out of spite and jealousy because it isn't fair that we aren't perfect. Do you know what's even more unfair? Jesus Christ was and is perfect, and with His perfect love, died for our imperfections.
Thoughts of the day 04-04-03: Anyone who does not love abides in death.
Thoughts of the day 04-03-03: Sing! You'll feel better.
Thoughts of the day 04-02-03: Things may not always turn out as we expect them to, but God has a perfect reason for EVERYTHING that happens, so don't stress about it! Even if you don't have a clue, He does, and that's what counts. We all need someone to depend on, and Gods love and patience for us never fails.
Thoughts of the day 04-09-03: I read today in Matthew to pray for those who spitefully use you and forgive them and bless them. Wouldn't it be great if everyone did that- just forgave? I read in Luke also, and right before Jesus died, He said: Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. I wanna be like Him!!! How cool was that?!?
Thoughts of the day 04-08-03: Nothing is impossible unless you accept it as impossibility.
Thoughts of the day 04-07-03: Never take anything for granted- because you never know when you may lose it, or it may lose you.
Thoughts of the day 04-06-03: We are not God. God is very real, and very near. He is above us, and loves us. If we trust in Him, He will do great things through us according to His plan, which, by the way, is better then what ours is. If you're following Him, then there is no need to worry about anything. Everything happens for a reason, and whatever happens is for the best.
Thoughts of the day 04-05-03: Life isn't fair. What a concept! It isn't fair, not one bit. It isn't fair that such things as inequality and prejudice exist. It isn't fair how innocent people are condemned to death every day because of someone else's guilt. It isn't fair how people take life for granted, thinking nothing of taking their own lives or someone else's. It isn't fair that true love hardly holds any value in our world today. I know something that is fair though- nothing is perfect. It's fair because if someone or something was perfect, chances are the rest of us would do anything in our power to demean or destroy it out of spite and jealousy because it isn't fair that we aren't perfect. Do you know whats even more unfair? Jesus Christ was and is perfect, and with His perfect love, died for our imperfections.
Thoughts of the day 04-04-03: Anyone who does not love abides in death.
Thoughts of the day 04-03-03: Sing! You'll feel better.
Thoughts of the day 04-02-03: Things may not always turn out as we expect them to, but God has a perfect reason for EVERYTHING that happens, so don't stress about it! Even if you dont have a clue, He does, and that's what counts. We all need someone to depend on, and Gods' love and patience for us never fails.
Thoughts of the day 04/01/03: Ah! I read this thing in my Bible today, and it was just... compelling? That sounds about right. It was in 1st John, and said something like this: "If someone says he loves God, but hates his brother, there is NO love in him." Isn't that scary? I think it said that saying you love God, yet hate your brother is the same as calling God a liar as well. OUCH! It would take a really un smart person to call God a liar! ...remind me not to hate anyone! :#
Thoughts of the day 03/31/03: Yay! It's my birthday! :-D Today, I figured out that it's better to think ahead then to take things as they come. This isn't fully pondered upon, but here's what I got: if you deal with something at the moment, or just try to ignore it until it goes away, chances are things just get worse, or get harder because you didn't think about what could happen before you acted. There goes my 15 years of complete spontaneity! Perhaps I won't have to regret stuff like eating a gallon of ice cream anymore! ;)
Thoughts of the day 03/30/03: Everyone is special. haha yeah, this could have the possiblity of sounding like an idea straight from Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood... but it's true! Know why God made everyone different? Because He has perfect plans for everyone. Becuase of this, isn't slightly pointless to stress about how you don't look? I realized that it is, becuase no matter how many plastic surgeries someone has, or how many false fronts they put on, or how much showing off they do, no matter what they say, they can't find security. Look at Michael Jackson! Dude!! He decided he didn't like the way God made him, and his face like melts off if he isn't careful, and it's obvious how sad he is. I wish that everyone could accept themselves for the person they are, and who God made them to be. No one should be measured by their outside either, because that isn't what counts in the end. Everyone's special, and everyone is beautiful.
Thoughts of the day 03/29/03: A lot of people have a lot of different views about life, how the earth came about, and the right religion. Most of these state that you can believe anything you want, as long as you don't claim it to be truth. To my knowledge, Christianity is the only one that claims to be absolutely true, and for a good reason: If there is no truth, then what's the point in being alive?
Thoughts of the day 03/28/03: Do you know the people around you, or do you just know who they are? Do you know if they're happy, or do you know their name? If it doesn't really matter to you one way or the other, then what is the point in knowing anyone?
Thoughts of the day 03/27/03: God is always there, even if we don't care.
Thoughts of the day 03/26/03: We don't need to worry! Ever! The Bible said (uh...somewhere..) that we don't need to worry about tomorrow, or what we're going to eat, or what we're going to wear, etc... if God clothes the flowers, won't He make sure that you're taken care of, since we're of more value than plants? =-) I feel so loved. :-D
Thoughts of the day 03/25/03: A cool breeze drifted from the bright snow- capped mountian tops. The bare trees swished in the wind, and the wind chime sounded its relaxing music. The blinding sunshine rested upon Grace's face, and made her hair look shiny and colorful. Suddenly, all the snow melted, flowers blossomed, and the temperature turned 98 degrees! a pool landed in the backyard of the rec center where Grace was sitting. Everyone went swimming. If only I had a camera. =) This story is partially true. I hope it reached your imagination.
Thoughts of the day 03/24/03: I feel sorry for mean people! It must suck to have to live up to your evil reputation every day. The Bible says somewhere to bless those who curse you. It's kind of hard to swallow the pride at first, but it actually gives you a different point of view... and after I forgave people that hurt me, nothing they ever said or did (or do) bother me at all! :) You should try it.
Thoughts of the day 03/23/03: Boys ARE NOT worth crying over... and when you find one who is, he won't make you cry. That's not my thought per say, but I read it somewhere, so I thought that I would share. :)
Thoughts of the day 03/22/03:
Being polite is a way of showing people that you respect them.
Thoughts of the day 03/21/03:
As I was walking down the street today, I had these thoughts:
I am an actress, and the world is my stage.
I am a model, and the road is my runway.
I am hungry... and WHERE IS MY FOOD?!? :P
Thoughts of the day 03/20/03:
Hey! Did you know that Wierd Al is awesome?!!?!?!?!??!? Get a CD, listen to it, and then give it to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
Thoughts of the day 03/19/03:
Don't ever frown! You never know who may be falling in love with your smile.
Thoughts of the day 03/18/03:
1) I don't think that I know everything, and I am aware that I'm not perfect!
2) unlike Pyrex, hamsters ARE NOT microwaveable.
Thoughts of the day 03/17/03:
We can't blame other people or problems when we screw up.
Thoughts of the day 03/16/03
If you don't feel comfortable telling people about God face to face, or you don't like to publicly voice your opinion about stuff, here's a good way to get it out: write on a piece of paper, or print out a lot of little things that say stuff like "Jesus loves you" or your point of view about anything, and put it up on bulletin boards in your town. You never know! You might change someone's life. Even if it gets taken down, at least that person saw it! :)
Thoughts of the day 03/15/03:
My favorite people are the ones who don't care about your insecurities, make you feel wanted, and talk to you no matter what. God bless anyone like that!
Thoughts of the day 03/14/03:
Even if it's REALLY REALLY hard to love someone, Jesus does, so it would be good to make an effort towards loving people. It IS NOT that easy, trust me. No one is better than anyone else... becuase that is true, treating people equally, the way we would want them to treat us, is probably good for the peace factor in life. :)
Thoughts of the day 03/13/03:
If someone says: "OH MY GOD!!!" and God said: What do you need? And you ignored Him... that could get annoying after a while. How would you like it if someone said BOB!!!! all the time, but never talked to you?? :(
Thoughts of the day 03/12/03:
I love Scottish accents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *swoon*
Thoughts of the day 03/11/03:
Just becuase someone acts indifferent to you... it doesn't mean that they are snobby. I often make the mistake of thinking that just because someone doesn't talk openly, or just doesn't talk, that they're stuck-up. I can be very lively, so if I have ever treated anyone wrongly because they aren't too open to my noisy ways, I apologize. :)
Thoughts of the day 03/10/03: *duhhhhhh* just kidding! I have practically wasted this day away doing nothing. This makes me want to do something, but Im being too lazy to do it! My thought for today is: get at least one important thing accomplished. I am going to do a math assignment if it KILLS me. It probably could, too!
Thoughts of the day 03/09/03: If you were going to die in one hour, would it affect the way you treat those around you? Would you spend that time telling everyone how much you love them, or would you be clearing your conscience? You could go at anytime, anywhere. I am not invincible, and no creature on earth is. Dont take life for granted, its the greatest gift- so is everyone around you... like them or not.
Thoughts of the day 03/08/03: Friends will come and go. They will move away, but you'll always be friends. Family members know you better than anyone else. Don't take any of them for granted! What would you life be like without them? They are friends that will always be there, so treat them respectfully, even if they arent that kind to you.
Thoughts of the day 03/07/03: If you choose to shut your eyes, you'll be blind. If you let other things or someone else control your tongue, then you're not truly talking. If you choose to shut your ears, then nothing anyone is ever going to tell you is going to make any difference. Chances are you won't grow up if these things take over, and you'll never know who you could have been and what God could have been doing in your life... while you're doing nothing but living angrily, and living a lie.
Thoughts of the day 03/06/03: (to my knowledge)The best way to deal with a problem is to learn how to beat it... like if you hate doing dishes, learn how to do them the right way. If the thing to be dealt with is a person, put yourself in their shoes. Ask what their problem is... listen to what they have to say. There's more than one person in this world. :)